Sunday, February 28, 2010

Defination of Breakfast~!!!

break·fast   /ˈbrɛkfəst/ [brek-fuhst]


1.the first meal of the day; morning meal: A hearty breakfast was served at 7 a.m.

2.the food eaten at the first meal of the day: a breakfast of bacon and eggs.

–verb (used without object) eat breakfast: He breakfasted on bacon and eggs.

–verb (used with object) supply with breakfast: We breakfasted the author in the finest restaurant.


breakfast. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved March 01, 2010, from website:

Obviously, this is what we had already know.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Be Right Back After Chinese New Year~~!!!!

Meanwhile, do leave me some comments! Thanks!
Happy New Year~!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Receiving Comments...

Today, I had received some comments in school.

Haha. Ms. A told me, after seeing my blog, her felt left out alot for her own blog. She also gave me some suggested me to give a brief introduction for my blog. This is because people might felt very weird that why is it all about BREAKFAST?

I guess she was right, people who I did not inform them about my blog would not understand what I am going to talk about.

My lecturer also suggested me to be more focus on BREAKFAST... So, if anyone of you all wan to know my personal life story. Do tell me so. I have one private blog.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sharing My Happiness...

I found that this behavior change exercise is quite interesting,
I started to make breakfast for others as well.

Today, I prepared 2 sets of breakfast. One for myself and one for Jun Kit.

It was like I am able to manage my time better. I am able to make breakfast for others and myself. I feel happy to share something good for others.
Preparing breakfast is just like helping others. People who eat the breakfast is happy, and people who see others eating the breakfast they made is also happy too.

As a conclusion, breakfast is nice to be share and eat together with your friends and family.